Browser Compatibility

What Browsers Does the System Support?

Although we try to support as many devices as possible, it is impossible to test the system across all the various types of old/new devices, operating systems and browser that are currently being used in the market today.

The DSO development team has compiled a list of all our recommended browsers, devices and platforms that have all been tested to ensure the best user experience and 100% compatibility:

PC Desktops & Surface Pro (Post 2009)
Windows 7 or later.
Latest version of Chrome or Firefox installed & kept up to date.

Mac (iMac, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini) (Post 2007)
Running Mavericks or later.
Latest version of Chrome or Safari installed & kept up to date.

iPad (2nd Gen/Mini/Pro) (Post 2011)
Running IOS 9.0 or later.
Latest version of Chrome or Safari installed & kept up to date.

iPhone (4s, 5, 5C, 5s, 6, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus) (Post 2011)
Running IOS 9.0 or later.
Latest version of Chrome or Safari installed & kept up to date.

Android Mobile/Tablet Devices (Post 2012)
Running Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich or Later).
Latest version of Chrome installed & kept up to date.

If your device or browser is not on the list above don’t worry, it’s likely that you will still able to access the app and use our services, if you have fairly modern device. However, you might experience some issues as a result of using an untested device/browser.

Avoiding Compatibility Issues

We do recommend using the Google Chrome web-browser for the most stable user experience.

Google is committed to maintaining the latest web standards, as set out by the W3Consortium, and Chrome is currently considered one of the the best web-browsers on the market.

Chrome is free to download and is available to users across multiple platforms.

You can download Chrome from

If you are having difficulties downloading and installing chrome, please email us at to get in touch with someone from our team.

We use Chrome in all of our visual-aides, documentation and video training to ensure consistency across all our support pages. This means all the screenshots/system-images or videos you see in this document might look slightly different to what you are seeing on your screen, this is likely to due to the fact you are using an alternative browser, different device or an older version of chrome itself. Remember you can update chrome at any time by downloading the latest copy from their website, using the links provided above.