Offering Empty Slots to Pupils

Offering a Slot to Your Pupils

You access this feature using the diary. For help accessing the diary see Managing My Diary.

You can offer free diary slots to your pupils. We recommend that you make use of this feature. It can save you time contacting pupils and reduce diary gaps. 


To choose a slot to fill, hover your cursor over an available space. You will start to see a lilac box appear that follows you when hovering over available space.

Free Space Indicator - Desktop

Free Space Indicator - Desktop

Once you have found a suitable time and date, click on the start time within the available space and the box will automatically 'lock on' to that time.

Free Space Selected - Desktop

Free Space Selected - Desktop

You will then see the start/end time become visible along with arrows for you to expand or reduce the required slot time; as you do this you will notice the slot duration will change.

The ‘clear' button will release the booking time frame to allow you to pick another time slot.

Once you are happy with your selection you can click ‘Add’ and click the 'Offer This Slot to Your Pupils' option. This will show the 'Reserve & Offer A Slot' popup.


Once you have found a suitable time and date, tap on a time within the available space and an indicator box will automatically 'lock on' to that time.

Free Space Selected - Mobile

Free Space Selected - Mobile

You will then see the start/end time become visible along with draggable handles for you to expand or reduce the required slot time; as you do this you will notice the slot duration will change.

The ‘bin' button will release the booking time frame to allow you to pick another time slot.

Once you are happy with your selection you can tap the ‘+’ button and then tap the 'Offer This Slot to Your Pupils' option. This will show the 'Reserve & Offer A Slot' popup.


Using the 'Reserve & Offer A Slot' popup you can choose how you wish to offer your slot:

  • You can open up a slot to all of your active pupils. This will not send your pupils invitations, but they will be able to log into their account and claim the slot on a first-come, first served basis.
  • You can invite specific pupils. Pupils invited in this way will be sent invitations, and they will be able to log into their account, accept the invitation and claim the slot on a first-come, first served basis.
  • You can both open a slot to all pupils and invite specific pupils. The 2 options above combined.

The layout of the popup is different for the Desktop & Mobile interfaces, but the functionality remains the same.

Reserve & Offer a Slot - Desktop

Reserve & Offer a Slot - Desktop

  1. Slot Details - this will display the start and end times for the slot you are offering. 
  2. Open to All Pupils - selecting this option will open up a slot to all of your active pupils. This will not send your pupils invitations, but they will be able to log into their account and claim the slot on a first-come, first served basis.
  3. Invite specific pupils - selecting this option will allow you to invite specific pupils from the list. Pupils invited in this way will be sent invitations, and they will be able to log into their account, accept the invitation and claim the slot on a first-come, first served basis.

The pupil list with availability is only shown if you have chosen to invite specific pupils. the list shows all of your active pupils in pages of 10 at a time.

  1. Availability Legend - use the legend to find out if your pupils in are available and likely to accept your offer.
  2. Pupil Who is Available - this indicates that the pupil has explicitly indicated that they are available at this time. See Pupil - Availability for more details.
  3. Pupil with No Lesson Conflicts - this indicates that the slot does not conflict with any booked lessons for this pupil, has not explicitly indicated that they are available at this time. See Pupil - Availability for more details.
  4. Deselecting Pupils -This pupil is deselected.
  5. Selecting Pupils - you can select one or multiple pupils to offer the slot to. This pupil is selected.
  6. List of Invited Pupils  - this is a list of all pupils you are wishing to offer the slot to. You can remove any pupils from the list by clicking/tapping on the red cross next to their name. 

To complete the process click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the popup.

  • If you have invited specific pupils they will be sent invitations as notifications and the offered slot will appear as an 'Invitation from Instructor' entry in their diary view.
  • If you have opened the slot to all pupils, then any pupils you have not specifically invited will see the slot as an 'Available Slot' entry in their diary view.
How are pupils ranked in the selection list? 

Pupils are ranked by their indicated availability and lack of booked lessons during the slot period:

  • Pupils that have no conflicts with booked lessons and have explicitly indicated that they are available at this time will be shown with a filled green star and appear first in the list.
  • Pupils that have no conflicts with booked lessons and but have not explicitly indicated that they are available at this time will be shown with an empty green star and appear second in the list.
  • Pupils that have conflicts with booked lessons will be shown last in the list.
What will I see in my diary once I have offered the slot?

Offered slots will appear in your main diary view as a blue hatched booking as shown below:

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Not Open

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Not Open

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Open to All

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Open to All

Checking the Status of an Offer

Offered slots appear in your main diary view as a blue hatched booking. The entry provides an indication of how many pupils were offered the slot and how many have rejected the offer.

To access this feature click/tap on the offered slot within the diary and select the 'Edit' option.. For help accessing your diary see Managing My Diary.

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by 1, Not Open

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by 1, Not Open

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by 1, Open to All

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by 1, Open to All

The layout of the popup is different for the Desktop & Mobile interfaces, but the functionality remains the same.

Diary - Checking an Offered Slot

Diary - Checking an Offered Slot

The popup shows:

  • Details of the slot start & end times.
  • When the slot was offered.
  • Whether the slot was open to all pupils, with the option to change this.
  • A list of pupils who were offered the slot, with the current RSVP status of each pupil.

For slots with invites you can withdraw the offer from one or more pupils using this pupil list. See Withdrawing Offers for more details.

A slot will be closed when you save if it is not set to be open to all pupils & no pupils have been invited.

When a Pupil Accepts

The first pupil to accept your offer will be booked in to your diary as a lesson in place of the offer entry. You will receive a notification.

The lesson will be created with default lesson type and pick up/drop off values. You should check and amend the lesson details as required.

When All Pupils Decline

When pupils decline your offer you will receive a notification and the status of the offer will be updated.

If all pupils decline your offer you will receive a notification and the entry will still be visible in your diary.

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by All

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by All

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by All Invited, Open to All

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils, Rejected by All Invited, Open to All

To remove it from view you should click/tap the entry and choose the 'Close Slot' option. See Closing a Slot for details.

Withdrawing Offers

Offered slots appear in your main diary view as a blue hatched booking. The entry provides an indication of how many pupils were offered the slot and how many have rejected the offer.

To access this feature click/tap on the offered slot within the diary. For help accessing your diary see Managing My Diary.

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils

Diary - Slot Offered to 2 Pupils

You will given two options:

Withdrawing an Offer to a Particular Pupil

The layout of the popup is different for the Desktop & Mobile interfaces, but the functionality remains the same.

Withdrawing Offer to a Pupil - Desktop

Withdrawing Offer to a Pupil - Desktop

To withdraw an offer from a pupil simply deselect them using the appropriate 'Invited?' toggle. Hitting 'Save' will then withdraw offers for all deselected pupils.

If all offers are withdrawn or declined, and the slot is not open to all, then the slot offer will be removed from your diary. This has the same effect as choosing the 'Close Slot' option. See Closing a Slot for more details.

Closing a Slot

If you wish to remove an offer from your diary completely and withdraw all offers to all pupils then select the 'Close Slot' option.