Contacting Pupils

To access this feature choose the 'Send a Message/Reminder' option for a pupil in the pupil list. For help accessing the pupil list see Managing Your Pupils.

You will have choice of options:

Resend Welcome Email to Pupil

Re-sends the pupil a variation on the original welcome email sent when you signed them up and allowed them access to the app. This is useful if you misspelt their email address during initial sign up. See Adding New Pupils for more details.

The message sent differs from the original welcome email in that it does not contain an auto-generated password. If they do not know their password they should use the details contained within the re-sent email to reset their password.

Send Message to Pupil

A convenient way of sending the pupil an email. This simply launches the popup detailed in Contacting Other Users with the pupil pre-populated as a recipient.