Using Your Dashboard

This page applies to the new dashboard introduced in late December 2018. This dashboard will become the default once the old dashboard is removed in a future versionThe dashboar

The dashboard is designed to give you quick access to key information. Features include:

  • Multiple dashboards. You can have up to 5 individual Dashboards, accessible using tabs. This allows you to focus each Dashboard on a particular type of information or business task.
  • Widgets - these can be added and removed at will to your Dashboards. Widgets show information in various forms to give quick access to key information.
  • Layout - you can drag and drop Widgets to customise the layout of your dashboard.
  • Configuration - some widgets can be configured to change the information shown within them.

An Overview of Your Dashboard

When you first log in the app will configure your dashboard with some initial Widgets based on your account level:

The following examples all use a Pupil account dashboard. The principles demonstrated apply to all dashboards, but the widgets available will vary.

Example Dashboard - Desktop

Example Dashboard - Desktop

Example Dashboard - Mobile

Example Dashboard - Mobile

    1. Dashboard Tabs - when using multiple dashboard you can select the current dashboard by clicking/.tapping it's tab.
    2. Add New Dashboard - You can have up to 5 individual dashboards.
    3. Widget Header - contains the the widget's title. Click/tap and drag the header to move the widget. See Moving Widgets for more details.
    4. Edit Action - make change to the widget. See Widget Options & Set Up for more details.
    5. Add New Widgets - add widgets to the current dashboard. See Adding New Widgets for more details.
    6. Edit Dashboard - show a menu with actions allowing you to rename or remove the dashboard.

    Adding New Widgets

    This example uses a Pupil account dashboard on a desktop computer. The principles demonstrated apply to all account levels on desktop & mobile, but the widgets available will vary.

    Before adding new Widgets to a Dashboard make sure you have the desired Dashboard selected using the tabs. Then use the 'Add Widgets' action button.

    This will show the widget selection popup:

    Dashboard - Add Widgets Popup - Pupil Example

    Dashboard - Add Widgets Popup - Pupil Example

    • Each Widget has name and description.
    • The search box allows you to find widgets by name.
    • The category drop down allow you to show widgets in a specific category only or show all widgets.
    • You can select the widgets you wish to add using the toggle to the right.

    Some widgets can be added multiple times to a Dashboard. These widgets have a number box which allows you to add up to five of each type at a time:

    Dashboard - Add Widget with Multiple Option - Desktop

    Dashboard - Add Widget with Multiple Option - Desktop

    Once you have selected one or more widgets to add to the dashboard, simply hit the 'Add to Dashboard' button.

    Most widgets will simply work as soon as they are added to the dashboard. Some require initial set up before they can begin to show information:

    Dashboard - Widget, Requires Initial Set Up - Desktop

    Dashboard - Widget, Requires Initial Set Up - Desktop

    See Widget Options & Set Up for more details.

    Widget Options & Set Up

    To make changes to a Widget use the 'Edit' action in the top-right corner:

    Widget Actions

    Widget Actions

    This will show a menu with various options for the Widget:

    • Rename - will show a popup allowing you to change the title of the widget. Especially useful if you have multiple widgets of the same type on the same dashboard.
    • Set Up - show set up options for the widget. See Set Up Popup for an example. Not all widgets have set up options, therefore this option may not be available.
    • Delete - removes this widget from the dashboard. You will be prompted to confirm.

    Set Up Popup

    Some widgets can be configured to show different information, with typical parameters such as:

    • Categories of data.
    • Date ranges.
    • Specific users.

    The following example shows the set up popup for the 'School Activity' widget:

    Widget Set Up Popup - Example

    Widget Set Up Popup - Example

    Hitting 'Save' will commit your changes and reload the widget.

    Moving Widgets

    To move widget on the current dashboard, simply click & drag on the header:

    Dashboard Widget Drag & Drop - Desktop

    Dashboard Widget Drag & Drop - Desktop

    On a mobile device a tap-hold and drag is required.