Changing Your Account Settings
Your account settings allow you to change a wide range of options:
- Email address, password, profile image, name, address, contact details etc.
- Enable/disable & configure Two-step authentication. See Two-Step Log In for more details.
- Your instructor profile, including bio & car details.
- Diary preferences, including working hours and external calendar link.
- Notification settings.
- Security - see your active sessions across all of your devices.
Access the settings by clicking on your profile picture in the bottom left corner of the page and choose the 'Manage Your Account' option:
Access the settings by tapping on the menu button and then tapping on your name/profile picture at the top of the menu.
Your account settings are arranged in four sections, accessible by tabs.
The layout of the popup is different for the Desktop & Mobile interfaces, but the functionality remains the same.
- Profile Picture (optional) - opens the Image Uploader & Editor tool. Uploading a face picture can help your pupils put a name to your face.
- Username/Email Address - This is the email address you use to log in to the system. Notification emails will also be sent to this address.
- Your Name.
- Configure Two-step authentication (optional) - see Two-Step Log In for more details.
- Change Your Password.
- Your Address (optional) - Providing An address can be useful for your school's administrators.
- Your Contact Details (optional) - the more contact methods you provide, the easier it is for your school's administrators to get in touch with you.
The settings on this tab relate to your role as an instructor, including settings controlling the running of your diary.
- Profile (optional) - your bio. We suggest a short, friendly description of your experience and offering. This will be accessible to pupils.
- DSA ADI Number (optional) - reassures your pupils that you are professional. This will be accessible to pupils.
- Car Details (optional) - give new pupils an idea of what they will be driving. This will be accessible to pupils.
- Working Hours - see the Working Hours sub-section below for details.
- Minimum Travel Time Between Lessons - Specifies the minimum gap you or an administrator should leave between lessons when booking into your diary. Also prevents pupils requesting lessons too closely to others in your diary. See Booking Lessons - Minimum Lesson Gap for more details.
- Minimum Lesson Cancellation Notice - prevents pupils from cancelling lessons with this period. Warns you and school admins when cancelling lessons with this period.
- Minimum Lesson Request Notice - Prevents pupils requesting lessons without a minimum of notice. See Responding to Lesson Requests for more details. Only available if your school has enabled pupils to request lessons.
- Default Diary View - Desktop - the default view to show when entering the diary on a desktop device.
- Default Diary View - Mobile - the default view to show when entering the diary on a mobile device.
- Pupil Sign Up Link - A unique link which allows new pupils to sign up and for you to bring them on-board. See How do My Pupils Sign Themselves Up? for more details. Only available if your school has enabled pupil sign ups.
- External Calendar Link - See Linking to an External Calendar for more details.
Working Hours
If you enable working hours you can define the usual hours during the week in which you work.
Your working hours are shown to school administrators to allow them to make a informed decision when booking lessons. They are not prevented from booking outside of your working hours, but are warned to discourage this.
Your working hours are also shown to pupils to allow them to make a informed decision when requesting lessons. They are not prevented from requesting lessons outside of your working hours, but are warned that their request is likely to be rejected if they do. Only applicable if your school has enabled pupils to request lessons.
See Booking Lessons - Working Hours for more details on how working hours are shown and handled in the diary.
How Changes to Working Hours Take Effect
Changes to working hours are only shown on your diary for dates after the moment you made the change. So you may need to move forward a few days or a week in the diary to see the the effect. This is designed to so the diary can show a complete history of working hours.
An example of settings is shown below:
We have set our hours to indicate we are not working Sundays or Wednesdays; and that we start late on Mondays whilst finishing early on Fridays.
This will be shown in the diary as follows:
Note: we have had to move forward to the next week in order to see the changes. This is because we made the changes late on a Friday and changes to working hours are only shown on your diary for dates after the moment you made the change.
See Booking Lessons - Working Hours for more details on how working hours are shown and handled in the diary.
- Notification Preferences - You can opt to receive notifications within various categories by your preferred methods.
- Notification Preferences, Email - select this option to receive emails for notifications within this category.
- Notification Preferences, Text Message - If your school has enabled text message notifications you will be able to select this option to receive text messages for notifications within this category.
- Daily Lesson Summary - opt to receive a summary of your lessons for the day ahead. Sent early in the morning, each day. Note: This will always send emails, regardless of whether you have opted to receive email notifications or not.
- Weekly Lesson Summary - opt to receive a summary of your lessons for the week ahead. Sent early in the morning on the specified day, each week. Note: This will always send emails, regardless of whether you have opted to receive email notifications or not.
- Text Message Delivery Failure Report - opt in to receive a weekly report by email summarizing failures to deliver text message notifications to your pupils. This can help you ensure that your pupil's contact mobile numbers are up to date. Only shown if your school has enabled text message notifications. Note: This will always send emails, regardless of whether you have opted to receive email notifications or not.
- Marketing Information Consent - choose this option if you wish to contacted occasionally by Driving School Office regarding related products and services.
- Usage Hints - The app contains many useful usage hints. These can be hidden on a case-by-case basis. Pressing this will show them all again.
- Getting Started - The app contains an integrated and fully interactive Getting Started guide accessible from the dashboard. This allows you to reset your progress with this.
- Configure Two-step Authentication (optional) - see Two-Step Log In for more details.
- Active Sessions - Shows all active log in sessions across your devices. The session you are currently logged in with is indicated with a green tick.
- End Selected - Ends the currently selected session. This is useful if you have a lost or stolen device and wish to ensure that your account is not easily accessible from that device.
- End All - Ends all session across your devices except your current session.
- Configure Two-step Authentication - see Two-Step Log In for more details.
- Active Session Item - Tapping any session except your current session gives the option to end that session. This is useful if you have a lost or stolen device and wish to ensure that your account is not easily accessible from that device.
- Sorting Options.
- End All - Ends all session across your devices except your current session.